Berlin Bunkers

The Berlin Bunker tour traces the urban development of Berlin from an underground perspective,

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I can arrange visits to both WWII shelters and Nuclear bunkers from the Cold War as a part of this tour. On this tour we cover Berlin’s subterranean history, from basic infrastructure such as subway systems and forgotten train lines, to Nazi civilian air raid shelters and other bunkers as well as spy tunnels and escapes tunnels under the Berlin Wall. Berlin is still engaged in massive underground projects today, like the Tiergarten Tunnel, the U55 subway, and more. 40 % of the space in Berlin is underground. The distance of Berlin’s drainage system, if laid in a straight line, would reach as far as Los Angeles from the Brandenburg Gate!

The Berlin Bunkers tour traces the development of Berlin from an underground perspective, from the first underground constructions such as church crypts and fortifications for the Medieval town to the massive expansion underground as Berlin became an industrial powerhouse in the late 19th Century. Many of these installations were then revamped during the horrors of WWII as civilian bunkers and then modernized after the war to become nuclear shelter and ABC shelters in the event of WWIII.

After WWII many underground installations gave those brave enough a chance to escape under the Berlin Wall. On the Berlinbunker tour we explore the history of the Underground Berlin Wall that few think of.

  • the escapes tunnels,
  • ghosts stations
  • spy tunnels,
  • and more.

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